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Stephanie Junge nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bióloga, escritora y sobre todo lectora, desde niña se embarcó en el mundo de la literatura. Atravesada por la ciencia y el arte, decidió seguir ambos caminos a pesar de los miedos. Así fue como, partiendo de una historia basada en sus juegos de rol, creó su primer libro, una historia de amor, resiliencia y coraje. "Through the looking glass" es una obra que representa un sueño logrado desde su primer concurso literario durante la adolescencia.

"No matter the universe, I shall love you". - Through the looking glass.

"No matter the universe,
I shall love you".

Through the looking glass.

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Género: Novela Romántica (inglés)

Páginas: 824


Zilloa is a simple man. Cutthroat, ambitious, determined. A businessman upheld to the impossible standards of his parents, and who is forced to live a double life: the perfect son on one hand, and his true self on the other.

When prompted by a lawsuit that threatens to destroy everything he has worked for, Zilloa is forced to look for alternative routes. That’s how he meets Nathaniel Reid, the charismatic, albeit irritating and conceited musician who might be the answer to all his problems. If only he was willing to listen to him.

Working together might be their only opportunity at exorcizing demons from the past and finding the true freedom they both crave in their hearts.

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